PTRI reflects at work: Values Formation Seminar check!

IMG 0021Participants of the Values Formation Workshop with HRD and Father Nelson Zaballa.

April 2016 - The Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) reflects on the value of work as PTRI employees and officers attend the Value Formation Seminar with Father Nelson Zaballa as guest speaker.

Attendees shared their insights on how to balance work and personal life with the fast-paced, zombie-mode lifestyle emerging among the youths today...

  "The Core is brittle even with the repetitive value formation seminars ... meaning the foundation is weak ... so make it the strongest possible Core you have because it is the ONLY one, spirit you / we have.-Father Nelson Zaballa

Father Zaballa is the Parish Priest of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish Church, Lower Bicutan, Taguig City 

IMG 00023PTRI employees focus on the topic regarding Eucharist.


IMG 00024Father Nelson reiterates simplicity by heart.


IMG 0025Father Nelson receives a token of appreciation from & Ms. Ellen Dayawon, HRD Supervisor.


(Photos by Johnny R. Mariano / Text by SMS Bernardo - TTIPS-OD)