By: Ceazar Andrei V. Mendoza
Technology Transfer, Information, and Promotion Staff
The Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI), together with The Hinabi Project representatives, and Senate - Legislative Budget Research and Monitoring Office (LBRMO) staff conducted a research visit to the Field Museum in Chicago, USA, on July 1-2, 2024. The primary focus of the visit was to examine and study Philippine textiles collected from 1904 to 1912.

During their visit, the Philippine delegation, accompanied by representatives from the Philippine Consulate General in Chicago led by Consul General Susana Paez, engaged in discussions with the Field Museum officers and Dr. Almira Gilles, Research Associate from the Chicago Field Museum and President of The Hinabi Project. These discussions aimed to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the historical and cultural significance of the textile collections.
Moreover, the visit aligned with the goal of the recently concluded Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing between DOST-PTRI and The Hinabi Project, which has a key focus on the digitalization of Philippine textiles.
This initiative forms part of the DOST-PTRI's "DigiTELAzation" program, a digitalization effort dedicated to preserving, conserving, and protecting Philippine handloom woven textiles. The program leverages digital technology to record and document the technical weave specifications of these valuable cultural artifacts, ensuring their longevity and accessibility for future generations.