1.) A Brief History of the Philippine Textile Industry
2.) Productivity of Re-Used Male Moths of B. Mori
3.) Determination of the Inductive/Constitutive Property of a Tobias Acid-Degrading Enzyme
4.) Utilization of Sericulture Wastes
5.) Textile Value of "Yucca" Dracaena sp. Fiber - Part II
A Brief History of the Philippine Textile Industry
Jorge B. Delarmente
A chronological presentation of the growth and decline of the Philippine textile industry. The paper discussed the events that led to the establishment of the textile mills including pioneers of the industry, also factors that have contributed to the industry's present status. As part of the textile industry, ramie industry was discussed and insights on tyhe growth and decline of the country's ramie industry were given. It also included the passing of Republic Act 4086 that resulted in the creation of the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) which is presently under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
Productivity of Re-Used Male Moths of B. Mori
Arnold M. Inumpa and Zoraida R. Espiritu
Productivity of male moths that were used repeatedly was studied at the Philippine Textile Research Institute Technology Center in La Trinidad, Benguet from March to December 1999. Male moths of the four existing parental races of silkworms, J102, C102, N144 and C144 were used in the study. The study showed that a male moth can mate up to four females. However, the mating duration should be varied; three to four hours for the first and second mating and five hours for the third and fourth mating. The study proved that the rate of fertilization as well as the hatchability of the eggs sired were optimum during the first and second mating that lasted up to four hours. On the other hand, the same parameters were adversely affected when the male moths were used four times and for the same duration of up to four hours. The study recommended that males should be allowed to mate only two females for three to four hours each. Should a third or fourth mating be inevitable, the mating time must be extended up to five hours for optium productivity.
Determination of the Inductive/Constitutive Property of a Tobias Acid-Degrading Enzyme
Maria Trisette Elma Caliwara and Takashi Ohmoto
In the metabilism of tobias acid by Pseudomonas sp. TA-2, tHBP hydratase-aldolase is one of the metabolic enzymes produced. Chromatographic separation revealed 3 types of the aldolase enzyme. Two were already previously identified as aldolase a and aldolase b while the other could not be initially identified.
This study attemps to check the presence of the third enzyme and to determine the inductive or constitutive property of the enzymes using succinate as another substrate for the cell organism. Succinate confirmed the presence of the third enzymes but the result was not enough to determine its identity. On the other hand, since both aldolase a and aldolase b were produced from tobias acid and siccinate, they were concluded to be consitutive.
Utilization of Sericulture Wastes
Roberto O. Casero
Sericulture consist of three major aspects namely; moriculture, cocoon production and silk reeling, Moriculture involves the conscious cultivation of mulberry plants for the production of the leaves to be used as food for the silkworms while cocoon production involves controlled rearing of silkworm to produce quality cocoons. On the other hand, silk reeling involves the unwinding of silk filament from the cocoon with end product as "raw silk".
Textile Value of "Yucca" Dracaena sp. Fiber - Part II
Stela Marie C. Hagad
Initiative on exploring further the Yucca (Dracaena sp.) fiber is based on the initial report of its textile value. Assessment made indicate its high potential as possible new source of natural fiber for textile use.
Different pretreatment conditions in a laboratory scale were carried out to establish the optimum condition appropriate for the fiber to yield a satisfactory lot of pretreated-fibers. Fibers were subjected separately to three alkali concentrations of 5%, 6% and 7% at an exposure time of 1 and 2 hour boiling. The fibers were then assessed based on residual gum content, tensile strength and fiber fineness.
The optimized process consisted of steeping the fiber in 0.05% wetting agent for 1 hour followed by boiling for 2 hours with 6% alkali concentration and 0.5% anti-oxidant at a fiber to liquor ratio of 1:20, and soaking in 2% acid solution to neutralize the fibers.
The treated fiber showed a reduction of about 76.5% of gums and yielded a finer fiber of 1.5 times the raw. The tensile strength of the fiber did not alter much but the relative strength (strength to fineness ratio) of the fiber increased by 50% due to the finer yield of fiber after treatment.
The fibers in blend with polyester (PE) were spun using a miniature cotton spinning equipment to give an indicate behavior of the spinnability of fiber. Relatively, the experimental fiber blends performed well as to the tenacity and yarn count are concerned in comparison with existing fiber blends of PE/Abaca, PE/Banana and PE/Pineapple. However, as efficiency rating in terms of percent fiber waste is below the norm, other spinning systems need to be explored to give a better yield of fiber and finer count of yarns.
Zita L. Sanchez, Patria G. Balanay, Serenita S. Ompoy and Adelfa M. Basaen
The study was conducted to evaluate the cocoon characters of F1 single cross hybrid M014 x KL81 and F1 double cross hybrid, M020/14 x KL81/51 of silkworm, Bombyx mori Linn. Specifically, it aimed to (1) quantify and compare the cocoon yield, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell percentage, filament length and filament size and (2) determine the color, shape and quality of cocoon.
Three batches each of Japanese pureline parent (KL81) and Chinese pureline parent (M014) races were reared to produce single cross hybrid MO14 x KL81 and its reciprocal, KL81 x MO14. While another three batches each of the Japanese hybrid parent (KL81xKL51) and Chinese hybrid parent (M020xMO14) were simultaneously reared to produce double cross hybrids, MO20/14 x KL81/51 and its reciprocal, KL81/51 x MO20/14.
Results showed that the cocoon yield, single cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio, filament length and filament size between single and double cross hybrids had no significant differences. It was therefore councluded in this study that double cross hybrids M020/14 x KL81/51 and its reciprocal are not superior to and have the same quality with single cross hybrids m014 x KL81 and its reciprocal in terms of cocoon properties.