DOST-PTRI Turns Over 5 TheraLoom V2 to P.E.P. Center to Empower Persons with Special Needs
By: John Nikko V. Espiritu & Mary Emmanuelle S. Ramos
Technology Transfer, Information, and Promotion Staff
The Philippine textile industry takes a major step toward inclusivity as the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI) collaborates with P.E.P. Center Foundation, Inc. (Personalized Education Program with SPED Inclusion) to provide life skills training and economic opportunities for Persons with Special Needs in Legazpi City, Albay on November 7, 2024. As part of this collaboration, DOST-PTRI officially turned over five (5) Therapeutic Handloom Weaving Machines version 2 (TheraLoom V2) to the P.E.P. Center, laying the foundation for an inclusive weaving center in the province.
This initiative aligns with the objectives of the Institute’s Creativity and Equity through Accelerated Textile Technology Engagement and Entrepreneurship for Vulnerable Sectors (CREATTEEVS) Program, which seeks to foster textile-based technopreneurship among vulnerable communities by providing access to training, mentorship, and market opportunities. The program underscores the Institute’s commitment to empowering these communities, with a specific focus on persons with disabilities (PWDs) and other vulnerable groups, thereby creating pathways for economic inclusion and innovation.
The P.E.P. Center Foundation, a Multiple Intelligences school that supports young learners with special needs, recently incorporated handloom weaving into its life skills curriculum for transition-level students, who are at the stage of preparing for independent living. This weaving program introduces these learners to the creative and meditative aspects of textile work, equipping them with valuable skills that can foster self-reliance and economic contribution.
The handover event was attended by various stakeholders who share the vision of an inclusive and accessible textile industry. Among the notable attendees were Legazpi City Councilor Hon. Sunshine Imperial, Provincial Science and Technology Director Engr. Domingo A. Peña Jr., Mr. John Bautista from the Social Action Network (SAC) in Legazpi, Designer Jay-ar Lucila of Jay-ar Lucila Creations, and representatives from Children’s International Bicol, Inc. (CIBI).
The TheraLoom V2, developed by DOST-PTRI, has been specifically designed to accommodate the needs of PWSNs, offering a therapeutic and accessible platform for them to engage in handloom weaving. This innovation has been adapted to enhance cognitive and motor skills while allowing users to experience the benefits of creative textile work. By introducing this technology to the P.E.P. Center, DOST-PTRI is enabling a new generation of weavers to engage with textile arts in a supportive and adaptive environment.
DOST-PTRI’s CREATTEEVS Program, in conjunction with the P.E.P. Center’s educational mission, seeks to pave the way for textile-related livelihood opportunities within the special needs community in Legazpi. This partnership marks a significant milestone in creating an inclusive future for Philippine textiles, one that prioritizes accessibility, inclusivity, and economic empowerment for all.