MOU to Strengthen Handloom Weaving Industry Endorsed at 5th Interagency Meeting
By: John Nikko V. Espiritu
Technology Transfer, Information, and Promotion Staff
In alignment with the cultural and economic importance of the sector and in response to the challenges outlined in Senate Bill 241, the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI) hosted the 5th Philippine Handloom Weaving Interagency Meeting, bringing together representatives from various government agencies to discuss the next steps in securing and strengthening the Philippine handloom weaving industry. The meeting, held on November 8, 2024, was part of ongoing efforts to promote and protect this traditional craft, recognized as a key part of the nation’s cultural heritage and a vital contributor to the creative sector.
The session brought together the Handloom Weaving Technical Working Group, featuring representatives from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), and the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA).
The agenda included an overview of revisions to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) intended to improve collaboration across agencies and address challenges that affect handloom weavers nationwide. Each agency contributed updates on their ongoing and planned programs to enhance support for weavers, from capacity-building and technical training to marketing assistance and intellectual property protection.
Moreover, one of the highlights of the session was the discussion surrounding the 2024 Philippine Handloom Weaving Conference, set to take place in Cagayan de Oro City as part of the 2024 National Science, Technology, and Innovation Week. This event aims to bring weavers, stakeholders, and government bodies together to explore new technologies, discuss challenges, and foster national support for the handloom weaving sector.
A key outcome of the meeting was the decision to endorse the revised MOU to agency leaders for formal approval. By securing high-level commitment across departments, the agencies aim to foster a cohesive and well-supported approach to handloom weaving, with a focus on intellectual property protection, expanded market access, and enhanced economic opportunities for weaving communities. This step is seen as essential to integrating support for handloom weaving into broader national development priorities, ensuring that the sector receives the resources and recognition it needs to thrive.