Tropical plant maguey (Agave cantala Roxb.) is not just for landscape use but also an alternative source of home and industrial fabric material says the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI).
According to the Department of Science and Technology's PTRI, maguey fiber is a good raw material for the production of home and industrial textiles when blended with polyester staples (80/20 and 65/35 polyester/maguey). The processed fiber is ideal for upholstery and manufacturing wall covering, bags, table linens, and curtains.
Going green ranges from dieting, recycling, or building structures from earth-friendly materials, to choosing plant-based materials for clothes and home textile needs. Not merely jumping on the bandwagon of going green, PTRI is pushing for the use of fiber-rich plants in domestic textile production to trim the industry's import of synthetic-based fibers. This has led the Institute to consider maguey, particularly its leaves, for fabric production.
The leaves of maguey are traditionally blended with abaca to make ropes, nets, cordage, carpets, and fiber craft items. In Mexico, where this plant originated, a type of maguey produces alcoholic drinks called mescal and pulque. In the Philippines, maguey grows naturally and is cultivated in Northern Luzon and Central Visayas. (Arlene R. Obmerga, S&T Media Service, Oct. 01, 2009).