“Public service… is not just a way of life, it is a way to live fully” Dr. Carlos C. Tomboc is one of those select few who have chosen to invest themselves fully in the service of the people as a way to lead a fulfilled life. Fondly called “Caloy” by his dearest friends, has been in public service for more than four decades, 28 years of which were spent at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the last 13 years as Director of the Philippine Textile Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (PTRI-DOST).
A forester true and through, Dr. Tomboc earned his baccalaureate, graduate and postgraduate degrees in the field of Forestry, notably Forest Resources Management at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). He decided to pursue a career in this field and hone his technical, leadership, and management skills with the DENR where he assumed executive posts as Executive Director of the Presidential Task Force on Water Resources and Development, General Manager of the Laguna Lake Development Authority, Director of the Environmental Management Bureau in Quezon City, Regional Executive Director of the DENR’s National Capital Region and Director of the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau in Los Baños, Laguna. These were then preceded by 18 years of assignment in Eastern Mindanao and in Region 7 in the Visayas.

Designated as the Director of PTRI in 2000, Dr. Tomboc had his fair share of critics, but he was not one to shy away from challenges and opportunities to reinvent himself. He led the Institute with as much vigor and passion as he had loved the field of Forest Resource Management. Under his sound leadership, he turned PTRI as a catalyst to aid the country’s
textile industry maintain its relevance in the face of globalization. Part of his legacies with PTRI is world class provision of testing and technical services, the judicious use of natural dyes and indigenous fibers, more known as the Philippine Tropical Fabrics (PTF). It was also under his leadership that the Republic Act 9242 or the PTF Law of 2004 was enacted. In his last few years with PTRI, he supervised the S&T breakthroughs on the use of saluyot and water hyacinth as sources of fibers for the manufacture of fabrics.
It is difficult not to see him during the DOST flag ceremony every Monday morning, he would be the one standing out in the crowd with his indigenous fiber blended and naturally-dyed barong which he wears proudly and in good fashion. There was no bigger endorser for the naturally-dyed PTF other than Dr. Tomboc himself. He would proudly wear his advocacy
every meeting, senate and congressional hearings, interviews, and gatherings. He would grab any chance he gets to explain about PTF and its benefits, fabrics made from indigenous fibers such as from pineapple, banana, abaca, saluyot and water hyacinth and the more than 75 natural dye sources. His voice usually emanates authority and commands attention, when he starts to speak, people listen.
He was the staunch advocate of PTRI technologies and defender of its existence. In 2008, when the DOST Rationalization Plan was approved and implemented, the Institute’s existence was put at risk and he fought valiantly to prevent it from happening. He opened the eyes of everyone to PTRI’s importance and to what PTRI can still offer for the textile and allied industries.
Former DOST Secretary Estrella F. Albastro recalled “I can still remember [his] very passionate defense of its (referring to PTRI) continued existence before the Congress, during budget hearings, and before the committee of DOST and I agree with [Dr. Tomboc] that PTRI still has a lot of good services to offer, especially to the small players of the Industry.” Alabastro further noted about Dr. Tomboc’s close ties with the DOST regions, “I have very good memories of the times we went to the regions to visit the DOST projects. They benefited a lot from Dr. Tomboc’s insights on their projects even if they were not PTRI-related.”
Dr. Tomboc is a man of strong ideals and passions who sought to share his expertise as much as he can, he extended his help not only to PTRI but to the entire DOST including the Regional Offices many of his colleagues in could attest to that. Usec. dela Peña commented that with Dr. Tomboc present during meetings you can be assured that it will proceed smoothly. “He comes in at the right time, very level-headed ang dating nya and he speaks his mind and sticks to his beliefs,” he shared.
More than just a Director, he was a father, a mentor, and an inspiration to the PTRI employees. He usually walked around to take a break from his work and talk to the drivers, utility people, security guards, etc. or even joined them for coffee or quick lunch. In his own little ways, he showed how important they are to him and to the Institute. Witnessing his dedication and passion at work motivated everyone to always give their best. It’s his easy interaction and personal rapport with everyone from the rank and file employees to the big wigs that endears Caloy to friends and colleagues. He will always be remembered as a leader whose strong ideals and passion inspired change and sparked earnest desire to serve our people. (Joy Camille A. Baldo, S&T MediaService)