PTRI brings textile innovations for the people at NSTW (July 11 to 15, 2017)

Lab to FAB
For this year's NSTW participation, PTRI has chosen to focus the attention on agricultural inputs to innovative outputs with the Institute’s theme, ‘Lab to FAB (Fabric Applications and Beyond)’.
To be highlighted at the exhibit are botanical dyes converted into powders and pastes suitable for upscale production; innovative yarns blended with indigenous fibers, like banana, abaca, pineapple, and water hyacinth; and water-repellent textile products, among others.
Cotton and cotton-pineapple yarns dyed with (from L-R) mahogany bark, cogon grass, and coconut husks.
A demonstration of handweaving using two of PTRI-designed handloom weaving machines will be done by the Institute’s master weaver, Miss Josie Garlitos, and a special guest from one of PTRI’s beneficiaries, St. Francis School-VSA Arts. The modified handloom weaving machine has special accessories to increase productivity; while the portable therapeutic handloom’s fully hand-operational features make it ideal for use by persons with different abilities.
Textile Innovations Toward A Sustainable Future
Encouraging sustainable innovation that drives growth for the Philippines’ textile industry will continue to be emphasized at the exhibit.
PTRI Director Celia B. Elumba explains, “We have an opportunity using natural developments that we have not fully tapped, mainly because the inputs are typically agricultural by-products—which is even better because these are wastes converted into something of high value.”
“We are a research and development institute, primarily, and we have found we do a lot of R&D on natural fibers and textiles—but it is not enough to just have the technology; to just provide the equipment; or to provide the training. We find that other elements are essential, such as marketing these to adapters and beneficiaries.”
With the NSTW bringing in hundreds of visitors from the academe, and the public and private sectors, PTRI’s participation seeks to bring its completed researches and technologies to a wider audience—and encourage MSMEs and adapters to then extend these benefits to more people.
An annual event held by DOST, NSTW highlights science and technology innovations, and its contributions to national development and economic growth. DOST agencies will bring to the forefront their best S&T researches and services, alongside MSMEs that have adapted DOST’s completed technologies, here in the region and throughout the country.
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