1) What type of fabrics can I donate?
Fabrics of the following specifications:
Construction:Knitted or plainly woven fabrics
Quality:Preferably greige fabrics, bleached, unbleached, no resin or additional finishes
Composition:Pure cotton or cotton-based fabrics with no less than 50% cotton content
Width:40” to 60”
Minimum length:21 meters (continuous fabric)
Maximum length:No maximum
Fabric density:100-300 grams per meter (gsm)
If known:in good condition for washing and ~150˚C textile processing
2) I am not sure if the fabric will meet the requirements. How do I know?
Submit to us a 2 meter x 2 meter fabric for testing before sending bulk or full length materials.
3) To whom should I send the samples?
Label the fabric/package:Fabric2REwear
Address the package to:Research and Development Division
DOST-Philippine Textile Research Institute,
DOST South Compound, General Santos Avenue, Bicutan,
Taguig City
Contact numbers: 0905 424 58 23 (Globe)
09613617540 (Smart)
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text the above contact number to inform us of the schedule of delivery and the number of fabrics to be submitted, if more than one.
4) How do I know if the fabric meets the requirement?
Include in the package your Name, Affiliation, and Contact Information.
We will inform you once we have received the fabric samples, and once the test results are in.
5) Who will shoulder the delivery expenses?
We thank you for including this as part of the donation. If this is not possible, allow us to get back to you once we have determined that we still lack what need and we will find alternatives.